Advantage Gym Sports – Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This is an update aimed at providing more information in relation to upcoming events and COVID-19.
Our governing bodies Gymnastics Australia (GA) and Gymnastics Victoria (GV) are continually posting and updating their information relevant to competitions.
On Wednesday 11th March 2020 – GV posted a Risk Management of COVID-19 for Tier1B Events – State Trials and Victorian Championships in clubs. This can be accessed and read in full by clicking on the following link: document above outlines information relevant to Aerobics State Team Trial 2 – 22/03/20.
On Friday 13th March 2020 – GV posted further updates regarding the WAG, MAG and RG events announcing that these events are going ahead but with limited or no spectators. At this stage there are NO further updates regarding the Aerobic (AER) State Team Trial 2.
In regard to our upcoming club tour to NSW (28/03/20 – 29/03/20) we are reviewing the situation every day and we will continue to provide up-to-date information to our community. We encourage you to check official sources and we are following advice of the Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
The NSW Government has released a COVID-19 Factsheet from the Office of sport, this document provides information and answers frequently asked questions and is attached to this post. Anyone involved in this team tour should refer to our updates, the DHHS website and make their own decisions based upon their own circumstances.
In the gym, athletes, staff, volunteers and visitors are being encouraged to wash their hands often with soap and water, hand sanitiser will be made available where possible: close contact with others is to be kept to the minimum required for safety.
Athletes and coaching staff should adhere to the following:
• Making sure to clean their hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub
• Cover their nose mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or a flexed elbow
• Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms
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