Hey everyone,
G.V. continues to provide some great initiatives during this time and here is their next one.
If you have discovered any great recipes over the lockdown period or have some great ones up your sleeve, G.V is producing a recipe book made from submissions from the gymnastic community. All information can be found here:
https://vic.gymnastics.org.au/VIC/Posts/News_Articles/2020/Aug/GV_2020_Lockdown_Recipe_Book.aspx?fbclid=IwAR0zw2KSprMGptYQYM_s9Gu2W4A3ws1eK6Rrl42-Z9kcOovKZo1-5zCWld0There is still time to get your recipes in as the closing date is the 7th of September
It would be great to see some AGS recipes in there.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
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